Haitiano SinFRONtera
Quieren conocer HAITÍ? Mejor pregunten: En Français, Español, Inglish, Portugues. Haitiano 1er Pueblo NEGRO Independiente en américa Latina (1er enero 1804).
I. Misión..........................................................................................................................................................................................................
Haitiano SinFRONtera.-Somos El Mundo. - Aqui podemos descubrir la belleza mágica de Haití al conocer su cultura, vivirla, wao increíble.
- Nous sommes le Monde. Connaissez-Vous Haiti Apprenez a decouvrir sa beauté magique culture, vivez-le, WAO incroyable.
- We are the world. Get to know more about the Haitian culture, living, wao amazing.
II. Descripción..............................................................................................................................................................................................
Haití es un país rico a descubrir como en cultura, carnaval, sus playas, con su estilo musical Compás. Estamos
mas la cultura haitiana, vivirla, wao increible.
O Haiti é um país rico para descobrir como em cultura, carnaval, suas praias, com sua estilo musical bússola.
the most lovely history of the Caribbean and around the world by the different points of view with the story of being the
liberator of America Latin and many other. A country which made dream has everyone with its really admirable tourist look
s and rewarding, discover Hispañola with its beauty and its treasures, its culture, its tourism policy and other.
Haiti is a rich country to discover as in culture, Carnival, its beaches, with his musica the compass;. We are proud
to have been born in a tropical country like Haiti a country which made dream with its culture and other more attractive things.
You can visit in order to understand the reality which we are trying to describe. Is the page for the world to know more about
the Haitian culture, living, wao amazing.
III. CONTACT US.........................................................................................................................................................................................
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Haitiano SinFRONtera
************************************************************************************************************Haití, oficialmente República de Haití (francés République d'Haïti, criollo haitiano Repiblik d’Ayiti).
Lema: 1)- Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité (español: 'Libertad, igualdad, fraternidad) 2)- L'union fait la force (español: 'La unión hace la fuerza')
Capital: Puerto Príncipe; Idiomas oficiales: Criollo haitiano y Francés. Independencia Declarada Reconocida: de Francia 1 de enero de 1804 y de Estados Unidos 1934. Moneda: Gourdes haitiano (G, HTG); Miembro de: ONU, OEA, UL, CARICOM, Grupo de Río, AEC. El clima de Haití es tropical.; cultura muy rica: La cultura haitiana es una mezcla de franceses, africanos y españoles. Musica: El compás (en francés) o kompa (en el criollo haitiano).
==Haïti , officiellement la République d'Haïti ( créole haïtien Répiblik d' Ayiti ) .
Devise: Liberté , Egalité, Fraternité./ L'union fait la force
Capitale: Port -au-Prince , les langues officielles : le créole haïtien et français
Indépendance reconnue déclaré : France 1 Janvier , 1804 et 1934 Etats-Unis.
Devise: Haïti Gourde (G , HTG); Membre de: l'ONU, l'OEA, UL, la CARICOM, le Groupe de Rio, AEC.
Le climat d'Haïti est la culture tropicale, très riche; Culture: haïtienne est un mélange de français , d'Afrique et en espagnol .
Musique: Compass (en français) ou kompa (en créole haïtien).
==Haiti, officially the Republic of Haiti (République d' Haïti French, Haitian Creole Repiblik d' Ayiti) .
Motto: Liberte , Egalite , Fraternite (Spanish: ' Liberty, equality , fraternity')
L'union fait la force (Spanish : 'Unity is strength')
Capital: Port -au-Prince ; Official languages: Haitian Creole French
Recognized Independence Declared : France January 1, 1804 1934 United States Yde
Currency: Haiti Gourde (G , HTG) Member of : UN, OAS , UL , CARICOM, the Rio Group , AEC .
The climate of Haiti is tropical , very rich culture . Haitian culture is a mixture of French , African and Spanish .
Music : Compass (in French) or kompa (in Haitian Creole).